Dressing Outside The Box

If you’re ever confused, there is one infallible telltale sign that you are in fact, in Italy: Every male walking down the street looks straight off the runway. And trust me, the women here are not complaining.

Pinch yourself, rub your eyes, do a double take; it is not a dream. Those are real, everyday men just walking on the sidewalk. They look sharp, masculine, strong, and sexy. No, I’m not talking about their looks. I’m talking about that impeccably coordinated ensemble he is wearing. For once, men’s outfits are just as fun to observe as their female counterparts’.

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In America, we have adopted a very watered down version of fashionable menswear. It is typically pretty basic, versatile, and universal. In other words: yawn inducing, predictable, and bland. It has all been seen before and repeated in ten different color combinations. Do they add accessories? Nope. Are statement pieces integrated? Not a chance. Is their hair done and styled in coordination with the outfit? Ha! Not quite. Do they really take any risks at all? I think you can guess the answer to that.

Across the pond, men do things a bit differently. They utilize dark, neutral palettes in their wardrobe to achieve a well put-together look. These colors include shades of gray, brown, and black, screaming masculinity, maturity, and strength. Meanwhile, the details in the outfit say, “I clearly know what I’m doing and we both know I look good.” The monochromatic colors make nearly every piece in their wardrobe easily interchangeable, but together, still hold the same powerful and appealing effect.

Stepping outside the box is the biggest thing that American men struggle with fashionably. Italian men dare to rock pieces that would most likely be viewed as feminine in the America. The men here will wear skinny jeans rolled up to ankle length and pair them with boots. Most American men would shudder at the thought of tight pants rolled to look like women’s capris. You’ll see Italians wear cardigans, scarves, and fitted shirts as well—all executed flawlessly and worn confidently.

All in all,  Italian and American menswear styles differ because you can tell Italians take the time necessary to look sharp. Americans focus on time efficiency and practicality while Italians focus on appearance and quality. In cold weather, Americans bundle up in puffy winter jackets while Italian men opt for a fitted pea coat, plaid scarf, and leather gloves. Italian men also take the time to style their hair, accessorize, and look the part. And wow, does it pay off.

American men can easily incorporate the European flair into their current wardrobes if they take the time and put forth the effort. The key is finding fitted, clean-cut pieces in monochromatic colors. Dark jeans paired with a black T-shirt, a fitted jacket, scarf, and neutral suede shoes is all it takes to incorporate the Italian look. So, gentlemen, try taking your wardrobe outside the box. My guess is the ladies definitely wouldn’t be mad about it.

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  1. *sigh* If only guys here would dress like that…I had no idea they dressed so well in Italy!

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